RS Kira Tewas, Korban Gejala Corona ‘Hidup’ Lagi di Ekuador
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Sebuah rumah sakit salah mengidentifikasi korban meninggal dengan gejala serupa infeksi virus corona baru (covid-19) di…
MUI Surabaya: ODP dan PDP Corona Diperbolehkan Tidak Puasa Ramadan
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Kota Surabaya menyatakan warga yang positif terinfeksi virus corona (Covid-19) diperboleh tidak…
5 Menu Sahur yang Sehat Agar Tubuh Tetap Terhidrasi
Jakarta Bulan Ramadan hanya tinggal menghitung hari, tentunya banyak hal yang perlu dipersiapkan oleh Sahabat Fimela. Salah satunya membuat hidangan makan…
Teknik Menyimpan Bahan Makanan Selama Masa Social Distanding
Wabah virus Covid-19 membuat pemerintah Indonesia menetapkan mekanisme social distancing sampai jangka waktu tertentu. Penetapan pembatasan dalam berhubungan sosial itu…
Keren! Ternyata ini Manfaat Daun Pepaya untuk Kesehatan
Siapa nih disini yang suka mengkonsumsi daun pepaya? Selain buah pepaya, ternyata daun pepaya juga dapat dikonsumsi dan memiliki banyak…
British Women Have Bad Life Expectancy
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis.…
Why Do Rich Nations Spend Less on Healthcare?
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis.…
What If America Had Canada’s Healthcare System?
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis.…
Free Market Healthcare Is Possible
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis.…
Should Schools Be Responsible for Kids Health?
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis.…